Thursday, June 18, 2009

Filling the Need – The Branding Spot

The Branding Spot is an Arizona based company that handles branded products and marketing for companies nationwide. Recently, Brett Kaufman, CEO of The Branding Spot, signed a contract with WorkXpress to completely reengineer the back-end process for one of the leading Experiential Marketing firms in the country. With a new method of talent tracking and event allocation management they will be able to utilize a potential 70+% increase in productivity through software automation over previous hand processes.

Follow along over the 5-week build cycle to learn more about how WorkXpress builds and deploys mission critical business applications.

Week 0

Six months ago, Brett Kaufman of The Branding Spot ( and affiliates began the process that he believed was the only way to create the customized software he needed to run his business. Along the way, he learned there were far more hurdles and roadblocks littered with extra expense than he had originally anticipated. That was, of course, before he came across WorkXpress.

Brett Kaufman said, “Every process we desired to be automated or moved to an online portal was placed into the initial document. At that point, the only way we thought we could achieve our goal for an ideal software solution was to hire a coder and web developer to first build the software, then make the necessary web adjustments. After 2-3 months of back and forth negotiations, we realized it would be impossible using this route due to the huge financial cost. It would have taken 9-months to a year to build!”

Over the following few months, Brett researched other options including a few platform as a service (PaaS) offerings, namely Netsuite and Caspio. Unfortunately, with these solutions, they would have again needed additional developer time and expense to get everything they desired out of their software.

Kaufman continued, “The day before I signed with Caspio, I received an introductory tweet from Anna at WorkXpress. Intrigued, I held off my contract signing a few days to see a demo of the new platform as a service solution. After one meeting, I was sold. Here was a service that saved me money, provided ALL of the functionality I wanted and needed and it could all be finished within 5 weeks of contract signing.”

Week 1

After a few initial meetings, Kaufman and his company went back to the drawing board to revise their original document. With WorkXpress, they were able to increase the scope of automation while staying within budget. In the revisions, they added complex functionality unachievable without programming in other platforms.

Kaufman said, “Two months after our initial meeting, here we are in our first week of development. I’m amazed at the progress. In only three days, we already have a functioning talent registration section available for login via the web and are a good portion into our event allocation software. Actually being able to see our software being built and having the opportunity to make necessary changes along the way is exciting. We could not have been able to build or have built a software package even close to what we’re getting with WorkXpress from any of the other companies or options we researched.”

Stay tuned to weekly updates on the progress and final implementation of the The Branding Spot’s customized software platform.

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